Well, it's been a couple of weeks since the last post, and it was a great winter break! I was pretty tuckered out from the busy last week of school, and that time off was exactly what I needed. It was filled with fun, family, and friends, not to mention some restful days. I saw 3 different movies at the theater (2 of them twice), had some Christmas celebrations spread over 3 days, got together with some high school and college friends, and watched a lot of Netflix :-) It was definitely a break with a lot of attention focused towards my mental health. Of course, being the holidays, there may have also been some unwanted attention focused toward my waistline, so 2020 is definitely going to need to be a year that I want to dedicate to my physical health (granted, I say that every year...)
Now, even though I did spend a lot of my break on rest and relaxation, that doesn't mean I completely ignored all aspects of school. I set aside one day (Monday) to go into school and get some work done. I knew that between everything I got done before break, one day should do the trick for finishing up with grading and preparing for this week (of course, it helps that this was only a two-day school week). While I could have done this work from home, I knew the peace and quiet at school would help me stay focused and get my stuff done. It's a whole lot easier to get work done when you get very poor phone service at school.
As for the actual school day, the students were pretty subdued. I think most of them were still pretty tired from New Year's Eve, so that meant some fairly calm classes. We are getting very close to the end of our unit on Earth's systems, and the standard the students are working toward deals with them making a model of how the systems interact with each other. Our time before the break was spent learning about each system, so now we are putting that knowledge to work. It's crazy to think that in just a couple of weeks it will be the end of the semester!
I hope your Christmas was as enjoyable as mine, and I wish you a wonderful 2020!

(No mindfulness thought for the week since this week is so short).


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